Sunday, January 11, 2009

Ds Colors! Wolf

Ive been rereading, or I should say re-listening to the audio books of the George R.R. Martin series A Song of Ice and Fire. The greatest Fantasy series ever in my humble opinion. Anyway there are a bunch of dire wolves in the stories so I decided to paint this the other morning while watching the first half of the Ravens and Titans game. Took me about 1 and 1/2 hours to complete.
Thought it came out looking pretty cool for a DS painting.


Nathan Gilmer said...

awesome dude

jose emroca flores said...

Wow that is DS stuff?!
That snowboard looks awesome too!
how did you get that on the board?

Seiji said...

Okay, sorry for the dumb question...but what's DS?

Seiji said...

...this is Seiji BTW